Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Hello my dear rotaractors,

Police is the main reason for maintaining peace in India as well as all over the world.

They don’t have any leaves that means they spend their most of time to protect US


So our club planned to serve in a community category for the policemen who spend their most of the time in rain to protect us.

Our club donated 10 raincoats to adayar Police station, in chennai,India.

These raincoats were distributed by Mr.Sridhar IPS Deputy commisioner of police to the Policemen who are working in night shifts.

We published the photos along with this mail.

DC. Sridhar with Mr.Aravind President(RC MSB), Shiva and Imtiyaz

DC. Sridhar , Shiva and Imtiyaz

Our club members at Adayar Police station.

I like to thank the project chairman Mr.Aravind and fellow members who took this initiative to

 serve for the people who serve for this nation in terms of security.


Guruprasad Rao

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